Digistore24 Select brands are meticulously curated, with products that are clinically researched and proven effective. In addition to providing premium solutions that benefit human health, our reputable vendors share our uncompromising commitment to superior customer service.
Because our carefully selected affiliates are among the best in the world for credibility and reach, they expect a high commission rate. Therefore, vendors usually make little to no profit on the initial sale in order to gain customers they wouldn't have reached otherwise. After the first sale, customers are added to your email list for you to follow up so their next orders are through your online store, where you keep all the profits. If your repeat order rate is low, DSS may not be the best option.
If you believe your company fits the Digistore24 Select requirements, please complete this form and we will contact you to set up an initial discovery call.
We aim to deliver and execute strategies that propel extraordinary brands to 8-figure success stories, and to develop meaningful, enduring relationships with our affiliates so they can bring added value to their communities.
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